Forest and Field - Jörgen Kjellgren

Grab a copy of Jörgen Kjellgren's latest ep, Forest and Field on cassette tape!
"After releasing Vertical Time, which was inspired by Buddhism and more ethereal concepts, I wanted to find an idea that was a bit more earthy and rooted in the natural world. I live right next to a nature reserve where the colors are deep and plentiful in the summer. A lot of the inspiration and ideas came from walks in that reserve. There's also some Wabi-Sabi thinking in there, embracing the beauty of impermanence and imperfection. In my mind, I had images of half overgrown ponds, tree canopies and dead leaves on the ground. But I guess when it really came down to it I did what I always do. I tried to make the most beautiful thing I could with the tools I had chosen. In this case, it was the Teenage Engineering OP-1 synthesizer, the Mutable Instruments Clouds Eurorack module, and some nature sounds that I got from my sonic friend Sheepdog Sheepdog in Finland. I'm really happy about how it turned out, and I sure hope people will enjoy listening to it."
released December 7, 2018
Written and Produced by Jörgen Kjellgren
Mastered by Richard Alfaro
Artwork by Lela Amparo
Stream below:
Apple Music